Media Effects : Individual Effects
‘The Truman’s Show’ is an American satirical science fiction film made in 1998.In this movie, Truman is a man whose life is a fake one.The place he lives is in fact a big studio with hidden cameras everywhere, and all his friends and people around him, are actors who play their roles in the most popular TV-series in the world: The Truman Show. Truman thinks that he is an ordinary man with an ordinary life and has no idea about how he is exploited. Until one day he finds out everything.
One of the scenes in ‘The Truman’s Show’ that captivates me is when Truman start to become suspicious and finally realize about what is actually happening around him. Truman makes a several attempt to escape Seahaven by visiting a travel agency to book a flight to Fiji but he been told that the ticket for that month and the next few month already sold out. Same happened when he excitedly try to escape to Chicago ,at the end the bus breaks down. Truman become very suspicious. Truman is able to confirm his suspicions, as he hastily organised obstacles that obstructed him on his spontaneous attempt , like the "forest fire" which were supposed to be " extremely dangerous". During his attemp the also forces Meryl to join him and also ultimately fails.Truman tries many different methods to get out of Seahaven, but Christof is able to stop him at every turn.
The media role in the scene is create a mindset to the societies that prioritizes entertainment over morality. Viewers suppressed their natural beliefs in order to allow themselves to enjoy the show, and thereby demonstrate their own vulnerability.When some of people voice out their disagreement and rejection towards that show , instead of they have a situation which does not like to look at the negative side of things, they prefer to reject negative ideas when it is inconvenient.This mindset allows the producers a lot of freedom, as viewers subconsciously want to accept whatever the show is presenting. My opinion about the issues that being portrayed is that one person life not a show for us to enjoy and control. The Truman Show is made to educate the viewer to be weary of what implication are being being presented, they should construct their own realities based on the real world not just the world on the television.
This movie effect me personally because sometimes we put on a show in our live. Truman's best friend was hired to be his best friend. His father was hired to be his father. Same goes for his mother, wife, coworkers,and neighbors.They're all paid actors nothing else. While this is the case in my life, those around me are really only acting.Think about how often do I act myself around those whom i'm not really closed.Surely, i act my real self around the closest , but when it comes to most people,I am basically putting on a show.I think it same goes for everybody else. A scene that i find the most profound in the movie is the same scene with the scene that captivates me.
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